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Danone North America Gut Microbiome, Yogurt and Probiotics Fellowship Scholarship

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About the Scholarship

Opens: 12/14/2023
Closes: 2/14/2024

Danone North America Gut Microbiome, Yogurt and Probiotics Fellowship Scholarship provides financial assistance to graduate students working on a degree related to the gut microbiome's effect on human health and well-being.

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  • Essay Required: No
  • Need-Based: No
  • Merit-Based: No
  • This program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents currently enrolled full-time in a graduate program in any state.
  • Applicants must have an interest in studying the gut microbiome, probiotics, and yogurt in human health and wellness.
  • Selection is based on academic performance; strength of project proposal; relevance and feasibility of the project objectives, methodology, and outcome measures; evidence of ability and resources to complete the proposed project successfully; value to the field; and a letter of recommendation.
  • Details

    Pursued Degree Level
    Graduate Degree
    • Country: US
    Intended Area of Study
    Food and Nutrition
    Citizenship Status
    U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident

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