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Health Careers Scholarship

Not Open Yet

About the Scholarship

Opens: 11/1/2023
Closes: 4/1/2024

Health Careers Scholarship provides financial assistance to Christian and other students preparing for careers in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical and occupational therapy, and selected medical technologies.

Award Amount Varies
  • Essay Required: No
  • Need-Based: Yes
  • Merit-Based: No
  • This program is open to U.S. or Canadian citizens who are enrolled full-time at an accredited college or university and studying medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, physical or occupational therapy, or medical technology.
  • Applicants in undergraduate programs must be in at least the third year of college.
  • Students working on an associate degree in nursing must have completed at least their first year of study at an accredited institution.
  • Those pursuing a bachelor's or master's degree in nursing must have completed two years of study.
  • Students seeking M.D. or D.D.S. degrees must be in at least the second year of medical or dental school.
  • Premed students are not eligible.
  • Preference is given to students of Christian background.
  • Selection is based on personal statistics, educational background, financial statement, and a statement from the applicant describing the reason for choosing the field of training and future plans.
  • Details

    Pursued Degree Level
    Bachelor's Degree, Graduate Degree
    Current Grade
    College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior
    • Country: CA, US
    Intended Area of Study
    Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Therapy
    Citizenship Status
    U.S. Citizen, Canadian Citizen
    Christian Church

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