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P. Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship

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About the Scholarship

Opens: 1/1/2024
Closes: 3/31/2024

P. Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship provides financial assistance to high school seniors with language-related learning disabilities who plan to study visual arts in college.

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  • Essay Required: Yes
  • Need-Based: Yes
  • Merit-Based: No
  • Eligible to be nominated for this scholarship are high school seniors with language-related learning disabilities and visual arts talent.
  • Nominations must be submitted by a member of the P. Buckley Moss Society.
  • Nominees must be planning to attend a 4year college or university or a 2-year community college and prepare for a career in a visual art field.
  • The nomination packets must include evidence of financial need, verification of a languagerelated learning disability from a counselor or case manager, a high school transcript, 2 letters of recommendation, and 3 essays by the nominees: 1) 3 words that best describe themselves and examples of those qualities; 2) their learning disability, how it has challenged them, specific strategies they have used to cope, and its effect on their lives; and 3) where they intend to go to school and why, how they plan to use their artistic talent, and what they see themselves doing with their art in 10 years.
  • Details

    Pursued Degree Level
    Bachelor's Degree
    Current Grade
    High School Senior
    • Country: US
    Learning Disability

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