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Margaret Follett Haskins (Hawai‘i) Scholarship

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About the Scholarship

Opens: 12/12/2023
Closes: 2/29/2024

The Margaret Follett Haskins (Hawai‘i) Scholarship is for current graduates of any community college in the University of Hawaii system transferring to UH - Manoa, UH - Hilo, UH - Maui, or UH - West Oahu. Margaret Follett Haskins learned the value of hard work through her experiences during the Great Depression. Using the community college system as a stepping stone, she reached her academic goals and became a successful pharmacist. Her husband established this scholarship in her name to remember her strong will and belief in education. Special consideration is given to previous year recipients.

Award Amount Varies
  • Essay Required: No
  • Need-Based: Yes
  • Merit-Based: Yes
  • Minimum 3.5 GPA
  • Current graduate of any community college in the University of Hawaii system transferring to UH Manoa, UH - Hilo, UH - Maui, or UH - West Oahu
  • Demonstrate financial need Preference is given to previous year recipients eligible for up to two years.
  • Details

    Pursued Degree Level
    Bachelor's Degree
    • Country: US

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