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Paul Shirley Philpott Memorial Scholarship

Not Open Yet

About the Scholarship

Opens: 1/1/2024
Closes: 3/1/2024

The Paul Shirley Philpott Memorial Scholarship program supports students who have graduated from Fountain Central High School in Indiana. Applicants should be seeking a bachelor's degree in an agriculture-related field or pre-med. Students pursuing a pre-med degree should have plans to practice medicine in Fountain County, Indiana. Applicants who reside in Jackson or Mill Creek townships in Indiana may be given special consideration.

Award Amount Varies
  • Essay Required: No
  • Need-Based: No
  • Merit-Based: No
  • Graduated from Fountain Central High School, Indiana
  • Seeking a bachelor's degree in an agriculturerelated field or pre-med as a full-time student Preference may be given to applicants who reside in Jackson or Mill Creek townships in Indiana.
  • Details

    Pursued Degree Level
    Bachelor's Degree
    • Country: US
    Intended Area of Study
    Agriculture, General., Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies.

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