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The Graydon and Myrth Fox Scholarship

Not Open Yet

About the Scholarship

Opens: 11/15/2023
Closes: 3/11/2024

The Graydon and Myrth Fox Scholarship is open to veterans who have served honorably in the U.S. armed forces and their surviving spouses, dependent children, and grandchildren. Wounded personnel and the spouses and dependents of personnel killed or wounded while on active duty receive special consideration.

Win up to
  • Essay Required: Yes
  • Need-Based: Yes
  • Merit-Based: No
  • Veteran who has served honorably in the U.S. armed forces or their spouse, dependent child, or grandchild
  • Seeking professional certification, associate, or bachelor's degree
  • Demonstrate financial need Preference is given to wounded personnel or a surviving spouse, dependent child, or grandchild of personnel killed or wounded while on active duty.
  • Details

    Pursued Degree Level
    Professional Certification, 1-year Certificate, Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree
    • Country: US

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