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Kamehameha Schools Class of 1956 Scholarship

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About the Scholarship

Opens: 12/4/2023
Closes: 1/31/2024

The Kamehameha Schools Class of 1956 Scholarship is awarded to full-time students who demonstrate financial need. Students who submit a letter of recommendation verifying their character, achievement, and contribution to serve the greater community are encouraged to apply. Those pursuing a degree in business or a field of STEM receive special consideration. It is also the policy of the Foundation to give preference to students of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitted by law.

Win up to
  • Essay Required: Yes
  • Need-Based: Yes
  • Merit-Based: No
  • GPA between 2.50 - 3.50
  • Resident of the U.S.
  • Undergraduate or graduate student
  • Seeking an associate, bachelor's, or graduate degree
  • Fulltime student
  • Participation in community service or extracurricular activities
  • Demonstrate financial need Preference is given to students pursuing a degree in business or a field of STEM and to students of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitted by law.
  • Details

    Pursued Degree Level
    Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Graduate Degree
    Current Grade
    Community College Freshman, Community College Sophomore, College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, 5th Year College Undergraduate, Nth Year College Undergraduate, Graduate Student
    • Country: US
    Community Service, Extracurricular Activities

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