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LaMonte Woollen Scholarship
Accepting Applications
About the Scholarship
Opens: 12/1/2024
Closes: 2/15/2025
The LaMonte Woollen Scholarship is offered to graduates or graduating seniors of any high school in Buffalo, Dawson, Franklin, Furnas, Gosper, Harlan, Kearney, or Phelps counties in Nebraska. The scholarship supports students seeking a professional certification or undergraduate degree. Applicants from Wilcox-Hildreth High School or those enrolled in agriculture-related fields of study will be given special consideration.
Award Amount Varies
- Essay Required: No
- Need-Based: Yes
- Merit-Based: No
Pursued Degree Level
Professional Certification, 1-year Certificate, Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree
Current Grade
High School Senior, Community College Freshman, Community College Sophomore, College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior, 5th Year College Undergraduate, Nth Year College Undergraduate
- Country: US
- State: NE
- County: Phelps, Dawson, Gosper, Furnas, Harlan, Franklin, Buffalo, Kearney