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The CIRI Foundation Jump Start Award

Accepting Applications

About the Scholarship

Opens: 1/1/2024
Closes: 12/31/2024

The CIRI Foundation Jump Start Award is for direct lineal descendants of CIRI original enrollees. Students enrolled in a recognized or accredited college, training program, or other authorized postsecondary education courses of study while concurrently enrolled in high school or an equivalent program are encouraged to apply.

Win up to
  • Essay Required: No
  • Need-Based: No
  • Merit-Based: No
  • Direct lineal descendant of a CIRI original enrollee
  • Minimum 2.00 GPA
  • Resident of the U.S.
  • High school freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior
  • Enrolled in postsecondary education while concurrently enrolled in high school or an equivalent
  • Details

    Current Grade
    High School Freshman, High School Sophomore, High School Junior, High School Senior
    • Country: US
    The CIRI Foundation

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