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  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources


What tasks do Fallers perform?

  • Stop saw engines, pull cutting bars from cuts, and run to safety as tree falls.

  • Appraise trees for certain characteristics, such as twist, rot, and heavy limb growth, and gauge amount and direction of lean, to determine how to control the direction of a tree's fall with the least damage.

  • Saw back-cuts, leaving sufficient sound wood to control direction of fall.

  • Clear brush from work areas and escape routes, and cut saplings and other trees from direction of falls, using axes, chainsaws, or bulldozers.


What do Fallers need to know?

  • Mechanical

    Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance.

  • Production and Processing

    Knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods.

  • Administration and Management

    Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.


What skills do Fallers need?

  • Operation and Control

    Controlling operations of equipment or systems.

  • Critical Thinking

    Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems.

  • Monitoring

    Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.

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Data on career profiles are based on information supplied by the O*NET Program, sponsored by U.S. Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration.