
Architecture and Construction FAQ

The Architecture and Construction cluster has about 9 million jobs and is projected to grow by 5.5% over the next 10 years. Annual compensation for jobs in this cluster ranged from $30,000 to $93,000 in 2021. 


Is Architecture and Construction a good career path?

The Architecture and Construction cluster has about 9 million jobs and is projected to grow by 5.5% over the next 10 years. Annual compensation for jobs in this cluster ranged from $30,000 to $93,000 in 2021. 

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Would a career in Architecture and Construction be a good fit for me?

  • If you dream of designing, planning, managing, building, or maintaining structures, like to build and assemble things, and love nature, then Architecture and Construction could be the right career cluster for you. 
  • If you’re good with numbers, sketching, and spatial awareness, if you work best with your hands, and if you enjoy home improvement projects and working with tools, you may be interested in pursuing this career path.   
  • If you’d like to get paid to build the things people use every day, you may want to find out more about this career option. 
  • Not sure if this sounds like you? Get a list of careers that match your interests with our Career Quiz.  

Not sure if this sounds like you? Get a list of careers that match your interests with our Career Quiz.  


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What are some examples of careers in Architecture and Construction?

Here are some examples of careers in Architecture and Construction based on the general level of education needed to get hired in this career. Looking for more? Explore careers here! 


High School Education or Lower  Some Postsecondary or Skills-Based Education Bachelor’s Degree or Higher 
Electrician Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanic or installer Civil engineer
Pipelayer Architectural drafters Architect
Plumber Civil drafters Landscape architect

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