
How to Start Your College Search

Watch Video: 5 Tips: How to Plan for College

Talk to Your Family

Start a conversation. Talk to your family about your interests and goals. Ask them about their experience with college, if any, and find out what kind of support they can give you. If there are money concerns, it's best to know now.

Make a Wish List

What do you want in a college? Make a list of majors, locations, and extracurricular activities you’d be interested in. This exercise will help you better understand what you're looking for when reviewing colleges.

Get Advice

Talk to a school counselor about starting your college search. Then talk to people who have been to college─kids from your high school, teachers, and relatives─about what college is really like and how they found their college.

Read Your Mail

Your mailbox and inbox might already be filled with college brochures and emails. If so, browse through them. You may find colleges you haven't considered. If you aren't getting college mail yet, visit college websites. Sign up for information.

Go to College Fairs

You can get a lot of information about different colleges in one place at a college fair. You'll meet college representatives who can talk to you and answer questions about their colleges, and you can sign up for college mailing lists. Check out the College Fair Checklist.

Explore Online

A visit to a college's website can give you an idea of student life and classes. You can take virtual campus tours, check out classes, and contact admissions officers and current students with questions.

Visit a Campus

Get a taste of college life by visiting a nearby college. Explore the campus, talk to college students, and get a better sense of what you do and don't want in a college. You'll also start to see how college is different from high school. Learn more about campus visits.

Put It All Together

Use all of the information you've gathered to make a list of the colleges you're interested in. Don't limit yourself. You can use this list to get a better idea of what's important to you in a college and where you want to go.