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Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Carbondale, IL


  • Type
    4-year • Public
  • Campus Life
    Medium • Rural
  • Average Per Year After Aid
  • SAT Range
  • Graduation Rate

Southern Illinois University Carbondale is a medium, 4-year, public university. This coed college is located in a large town in a rural setting and is primarily a residential campus. It offers certificate, associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.

From the Institution

Imagine a university with a long history of promoting diversity, equity and inclusion -- where students know their success is top priority. Imagine a university that strives to be a world leader in innovation, research and academic endeavors -- goals that begin at the community level. Imagine a university committed to true sustainability. That's where it all begins for Southern Illinois University Carbondale - imagination paired with hard work. The university focuses on experiential learning, and that adds up to career-enhancing experiences, research, creative and publication opportunities for students beginning as early as freshman year. At SIU, research is understood to include any form of knowledge creation, discovery or innovation, from the arts to the sciences. It is mentored or ongoing exploration of an idea or question as a way to master practical, employable skills. Student life at SIU is vibrant and varied, with more than 200 registered student organizations -- academic and major-affiliated, career-focused, special interest, and traditional honors societies. Students manage and produce a newspaper, television news and sports programs, arts journal and literary festivals, short film production and debuts, and more. SIU is a leader in fostering the innovative spirit, from the Big Muddy Film Festival to the Great Cardboard Boat Regatta - both student-run events that are among the oldest of their kind. SIU students voted for and implemented a Green Fee that funds sustainability efforts across campus, including Campus Lake clean-up, and a water bottle replacement project. SIU's location near national and state forests and wilderness areas makes outside research and recreation easily accessible. And SIU's devotion to technological innovation brings virtual reality labs and an e-sports center for general student access, while engineering and science labs introduce students to high-level research and equipment. SIU promotes wellness with a Student Health Services Building housing a medical clinic, pharmacy, counseling services, and more, next door to the Student Recreation Center. SIU breaks barriers: Standardized tests are not required for admission, and most undergraduate students pay in-state rates, regardless of which state they call home. SIU invites students to open houses or campus visits.

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College Board Code
Application Types Accepted
  • Common Application
  • Online through college's own website
Fee Waiver Info
Visit the college website for special instructions on submitting application fee waivers.

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Note: College profiles are based primarily on information supplied by the colleges themselves through participation in College Board's BigFuture College Profiles higher education data collection portal, with some data provided via federal and state agencies. Costs, dates, policies, and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important facts with college admission personnel.