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Frequently Asked Questions about National Recognition Programs
What are the National Recognition Programs?
How do students submit for recognition?
What do students get if awarded recognition?
Do students earn scholarships by being part of this program?
How many students will be awarded recognition?
Can students use their College Board account credentials to log in to the submission from?
Who is eligible for the National Recognition Programs?
What information will students need to submit?
To qualify, what scores do I need on the PSAT 10, PSAT/NMSQT or AP Exams?
Which PSAT 10 and PSAT/NMSQT administrations are considered?
Does GPA need to be weighted or unweighted?
Are international students eligible for National Recognition Programs?
Dates, Deadlines and Notifications
When is the deadline to submit?
How do students check the status of their submission?
If awarded, how will I receive my certificate?
Who does the invite email come from?
How can educators receive information about students who are eligible for the National Recognition Programs or receive awards?