TUE, MAR 26, 2024 | 4:45 PM ET | 3:45 PM CT | 1:45 PM PT

Sip and See the Real Tea on HBCUs [For Students]

Real Talk is coming in hot with a super special session live from New York City! Did you know, HBCUs produce 80% of America’s Black judges, 50% of our country’s Black doctors, and 50% of our Black lawyers? This virtual session invites you to sip and see live the real tea about HBCUs and how they can help you obtain your personal and career goals.

Real Talk Summer 2024 Event Registration

Meet Our Guest Speakers

Makola M. Abdullah, Ph.D.
President, Virginia State University

Dr. Makola M. Abdullah began his VSU career in February 2016 with an unwavering dedication and commitment to excellence. As a new president, he outlined his core beliefs that became the foundation of his work for VSU: beliefs in God, family, the transformative nature of education, and in Virginia State University. With that foundation in mind, President Abdullah and his new administration began planning the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan: Preeminence with Purpose, to chart the University’s path to continued growth and excellence. His plan set forth the next chapter for VSU which focused on six areas: Student Opportunity and Access, Academic Excellence, The Holistic Experience for Students, Enhancing the Land Grant Mission of the University, Advancing the VSU Brand and Financial/Operational Effectiveness.

Jinawa McNeil
Director of Admissions, Coppin State University

Ms. Jinawa McNeil has a passion for college access and supporting students where they are. Since 2021, she has served as the Director of Admissions at Coppin State University and under her leadership, new student enrollment has grown each year. She is an active member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), the American Association of Registrars & Admissions Officers (AACRAO), and the American Marketing Association. She is a graduate of the Enrollment Management Leadership Academy sponsored by the CollegeBoard and has presented at various conferences on topics including “Admissions Marketing”, “CRM Implementation”, “Predictive Modeling” and “Women in Higher Education”.

Real Talk