Major: Prelaw Studies

What colleges offer a Major in Prelaw Studies?

Law Day has been celebrated on May 1 ever since President Dwight D. Eisenhower established it in 1958. It recognizes the importance of the legal system and how it upholds our liberty, freedom, and justice in society.

By majoring in prelaw, you’ll study the history of law and understand its role in our society. However, you can pursue any major you’re interested in, whether it’s political science, history, or business. A law career requires cultivating the skills to argue effectively and listen, speak, and write well. Having a balanced sense of fairness and justice is also essential for those pursuing a career in law. 

What does a Prelaw major study?

  • American Government
  • Constitutional Law
  • Legal Philosophy
  • Introduction to Logic
  • Public Speaking

What can I do with a Prelaw degree?

Opportunities are numerous. The following examples are indicative of the wide range of career paths you might consider:

Specializations for a Prelaw major:

  • Business Law
  • Cyber Law
  • Disability Law
  • Environmental Law

What are the requirements for a Prelaw degree?

The exciting thing about a Prelaw degree is that it isn’t a specific major. But that means you should pay close attention to the credit requirements for graduation in your chosen major. Meet with your advisor, who’s an excellent resource and can point you in the right direction. 
