Plan for Life After High School

Answer questions about location, price, majors, and more to narrow down a list of ideal colleges to apply to.

Stay On Track This School Year

Use the checklist to keep track of key steps to complete this school year as you plan for life after high school.

9th Grade

9th Grade

10th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

12th Grade

How to Plan for College

Watch this video to see what we have to offer you to help you plan for any type of college.

Get the Basics About College

There are thousands of types of colleges out there. Start here to get guidance to help you plan.


Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale

Colleges report GPA (grade point average) on a 4.0 scale. See how to calculate your GPA and convert your grades to the 4.0 scale.

Convert Your GPA

Types of Colleges

Colleges offer various programs to serve students with different needs and goals. Learning about the types of colleges will help you find the best choices for you.

Learn More

Why College Is Important

Considering the pros and cons of going to college? Learn reasons why college is worth it for career growth and future financial opportunities.

Get Started

What to Major In

It's OK if you don't know what to major in! There are so many options, so let us help you navigate them.
