
How to Find an SAT Test Center

Are you considering taking the SAT on a weekend but unsure where you can take it? Good news … there’s probably a test center near you. You can choose your test center when you register for the SAT, but if you want to explore your options before you do that, use the SAT Test Center Search tool. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Choose the country or region where you’d like to test.

You’ll have different options for your test center location depending on whether you’re testing within or outside of the United States.

Step 1

2. Choose the test date you want to search.

If you’re still unsure, you can repeat this step as often as you want to see your test center options. If your desired test date doesn’t show up in the drop-down menu, registration for that date hasn’t yet opened.

Step 2

3. Select the location where you want to take the test.

If you want to test in the United States, including U.S. territories and Puerto Rico, you’ll enter your zip code and then select the distance you’re willing to travel (10, 25, 50, or 100 miles). If you’re testing outside the U.S. and its territories, you’ll select your country instead.

Step 3

Click the “Find a Test Center” button to see your results. If you’re testing in the United States, you can sort by distance or test center name. You can also choose to see all test centers or only those with available seats. Remember that available seats may be claimed by someone else during your search process and the final step to complete your registration, so ensure timely completion of each registration screen.

step 4