7 College Planning Steps Juniors Can Take This Summer

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  1. Register with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eligibility Center

    If you are an athlete planning to continue playing a sport in college. Register at ncaaclearinghouse.net.

  2. Get your FSA ID

    Before you can fill out your FAFSA, you need to get a username and password (also known as an FSA ID).

  3. Find a full-time or part-time job

    or participate in a summer camp or summer college program.

  4. Visit Colleges

    When planning your campus visits, make sure to allow time to explore each college. While you’re there, talk to as many people as possible. These can include college admission staff, professors, and students. Take campus tours and, at colleges you’re serious about, make appointments to have interviews with admission counselors.

  5. Create a résumé

    A resumé is a record of your academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities, and work experiences since you started high school.

  6. Download applications

    Go to the website of each college’s admission office and either complete the application online or request a paper application from colleges to which you’ll apply. Check application dates—large universities may have early dates or rolling admission.

  7. Visit some local colleges

    - large, small, public, and private. A visit to a college campus can help you decide if that college is right for you. Make a plan ahead of time to get the most from your visit. Check out the campus checklist at bigfuture.org. Attend college fairs, too.