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New Mexico Military Institute

Roswell, NM


  • Graduation Rate
    Not available
  • Majors Available
  • Student-to-Faculty Ratio
  • Retention Rate

AP Credit Policy

NMMI grants credit via Advanced Placement.Several NMMI college courses which meet guidelines have been designated as NMMI high school Advanced Placement classes.

  • Offers credits


  • Offers placement into advanced courses


AP CoursesMin Score RequiredNumber of CreditsCourse Equivalent
2-D Art and Design33ARTS 1610
3-D Art and Design33ARTS 1610
Art History33ARTS 2113
Biology34BIOL 2110
58BIOL 2110 & 1224
Calculus AB34MATH 1510
Calculus BC44MATH 1520
Chemistry34CHEM 1215
58CHEM 1215 & 1225
Comparative Government and Politics33POLS 2110
English Language and Composition53ENGL 1110
English Literature and Composition33ENGL 1033
43ENGL 1110
French Language and Culture33FREN 1110
56FREN 1110 & 1120
German Language and Culture33GRMN 1113
56GRMN 1113 & 1123
Macroeconomics33ECON 2110
Microeconomics33ECON 2120
Music Theory33MUSC 1403
Physics 134PHYS 1230
Physics 254PHYS 1240
Physics C: Mechanics45PHYS 1310
Psychology33PSYC 1110
Spanish Language and Culture36SPAN 1110 & 1120
49SPAN 1110, 1120, & 2110
512SPAN 1110, 1120, 2110, & 2120
Statistics33MATH 1350
United States Government and Politics33POLS 1120
United States History33HIST 1110
56HIST 1110 & 1120
World History: Modern33HIST 1140

Study Options

Majors and Degrees

The college offers the following degrees: Associate

  • L

    • Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies

Need Help Choosing a Major?

Keep in mind most colleges don’t require students to declare a major until the end of their sophomore year, and many students change majors at least once.

Special Academics Program

  • Dual Enrollment of High School Students
  • ROTC, Army

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Note: College profiles are based primarily on information supplied by the colleges themselves through participation in College Board's BigFuture College Profiles higher education data collection portal, with some data provided via federal and state agencies. Costs, dates, policies, and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important facts with college admission personnel.