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Parsons The New School for Design

New York, NY


  • Graduation Rate
    Not available
  • Majors Available
    Not available
  • Student-to-Faculty Ratio
  • Retention Rate

AP Credit Policy

For Advanced Placement subject examinations, with a minimum score of 4, a student may receive 4 credits (or one semester course equivalent).

  • Offers credits


  • Offers placement into advanced courses


AP CoursesMin Score RequiredNumber of CreditsCourse Equivalent
2-D Art and Design44PSTR 1010 2D Design
3-D Art and Design44PSTR 1011 3D Design
Art History44PLHT 1000 Objects As History
Biology44LSCI 1XXX
Calculus AB44LMTH 2040 Multidisciplinary Calculus
Calculus BC44LMTH 2045 Intro to Vector Calculus
Chemistry44LSCI 1001 Chemistry
Chinese Language and Culture44NCHM 1101 Chinese Intro I
Comparative Government and Politics44LPOL 2026 Intro to Comparative Politics
Computer Science A44ELEC 1100 Computer Science A
Computer Science Principles44ELEC 1100 Computer Science Principles
Drawing44PSTR 1012 Drawing I
English Language and Composition44LLSW 1XXX English Language & Composition
English Literature and Composition44LLSW 1XXX English Literature & Composition
Environmental Science44LSCI 1XXX Environmental Science
European History44LHIS 1500 European History
French Language and Culture44NFRN 1101 French Intro I
German Language and Culture44NGRM 1101 German Intro I
Human Geography44NSOS 1XXX Human Geography
Italian Language and Culture44NITL 1101 Italian Intro I
Japanese Language and Culture44NJPN 1101 Japanese Intro I
Latin44NLTN 1101 Latin Intro I
Macroeconomics44NECO 2002 Macroeconomics
Microeconomics44NECO 2004 Microeconomics
Music Theory44LMUS 1XXX Music Theory
Physics 144LSCI 1XXX Physics I
Physics 244LSCI 2XXX Physics II
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism44LSCI 2XXX Physics C: Electricity&Magneti
Physics C: Mechanics44LSCI 1XXX Physics C: Mechanics
Psychology44NPSY 2001 Fundamentals of Psychology
Spanish Language and Culture44NSPN 1101 Spanish Intro I
Spanish Literature and Culture44NSPN 1102 Spanish Intro II
Statistics44LMTH 1950 Quantitative Reasoning I
United States Government and Politics44LPOL 2025 Intro American Politics
United States History44LHIS 1100 United States History
World History: Modern44LHIS 1200 World History

Study Options

Majors and Degrees

The college offers the following degrees: Bachelor's, Master's, and Associate

Majors information is not available for this college.

Need Help Choosing a Major?

Keep in mind most colleges don’t require students to declare a major until the end of their sophomore year, and many students change majors at least once.

Special Academics Program

  • Accelerated Study
  • Cross-Registration
  • Distance Learning
  • Double Major
  • English as a Second Language
  • Independent Study
  • Internships
  • Liberal Arts/Career Combination
  • Study Abroad
  • Visiting/Exchange Student Program
  • Weekend College

Note: College profiles are based primarily on information supplied by the colleges themselves through participation in College Board's BigFuture College Profiles higher education data collection portal, with some data provided via federal and state agencies. Costs, dates, policies, and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important facts with college admission personnel.