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Thomas Aquinas College

Santa Paula, CA


  • Type
    4-year • Private
  • Campus Life
    Small • Rural
  • Average Per Year After Aid
  • SAT Range
  • Graduation Rate

Thomas Aquinas College is a small, 4-year, private school. This coed college is located in a large town in a rural setting and is primarily a residential campus. It offers bachelor's degrees. This college has an acceptance rate of 77% and a graduation rate of 85%.

From the Institution

Thomas Aquinas College believes that to learn is to discover and grow in the truth about reality. It is the truth, and nothing less, that sets men free. And because truth is both natural and supernatural, the College offers an academic program that aims at both natural and divine wisdom. This curriculum of Thomas Aquinas College presents the arts and sciences of liberal education as a comprehensive whole. There are no majors, no minors, no electives, and no specializations. The four-year interdisciplinary course of study makes use of the original writings of the great philosophers, historians, mathematicians, poet...

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College Board Code
Application Types Accepted
  • Online through college's own website
Religious Affiliation
Roman Catholic Church
Fee Waiver Info
Apply for free: no waiver required.

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Important Dates

Dates are subject to change so confirm important deadlines by visiting the college’s website.

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Note: College profiles are based primarily on information supplied by the colleges themselves through participation in College Board's BigFuture College Profiles higher education data collection portal, with some data provided via federal and state agencies. Costs, dates, policies, and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important facts with college admission personnel.