
Campus Pride’s 8 Factors to Consider in Choosing a University

The following content provided by our educational partners Campus Pride, a national organization for LGBTQ+ student leaders and campus groups at colleges and universities.

Find the right college for you.

As you begin to think about college, you realize: now, it is your time. You feel anxious to move on. You have been waiting a lifetime for the next momentous step. You have so many questions:

  • Who do you want to be?
  • Do you want to move far away?
  • Where do you want to live?
  • Who will do your laundry?
  • Where will you get the money to attend college?

The time is here. You are leaving high school and looking for the right match for a college/university.

But, what your looking for may not seem clear. As an LGBTQ+ person, you want to find the perfect campus match that offers services surrounding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) issues. Things like queer studies classes, gay student groups, local gay hang-outs, gay support resources, gay supportive policies, or even a drag show may interest you, but you feel unsure as to how to find if a college offers these resources, as these are not topics covered on a typical campus tour.

Finding a college or university that supports LGBTQ+ students can be exceedingly difficult–even for a potential student who has been openly gay in high school. Closeted students face a greater issue due to the fact that they are often fearful of asking such questions or being identified as LGBTQ+.

Nevertheless, more colleges and universities are coming forward to create safer learning environments and are finding innovative ways to extend a rainbow welcome for LGBTQ+ students. The choice for college can be quite clear if you know how to look and what questions to ask.

The following are key factors in determining the inclusiveness of a college or university to LGBTQ+ issues. Use these key factors and suggested questions to help determine the right choice for you.

  1. LGBTQ+ Policy Inclusion
    Simply put, if the college or university does not have policies that prohibit discrimination toward LGBTQ+ students, then leave quickly. Such a lack of inclusion in policy is your first warning sign that a college is not the right fit for you. And, unfortunately, diversity and inclusion offices, programs and services are under attack in various states. It is tantamount to research states to find out which have banned such campus resources from being funded with tax dollars. A good resource is the Movement Advancement Project.

    Questions to ask:
    • Does your campus include sexual orientation in the written non-discrimination policy statement?
    • Does your campus include sexual orientation in written statements about diversity and multiculturalism?
    • Does your campus include gender identity/expression in the written non-discrimination policy statement?
    • Does your campus include gender identity/expression in written statements about diversity and multiculturalism?
    • Does your campus provide domestic partner benefits for LGBTQ+ employees with same-sex partners and, or their families?
  2. LGBTQ+ Support & Institutional Commitment
    A big opportunity to find the right college for you will be discovering the level of LGBTQ+ support and institutional commitment. You have to look, listen closely, and ask more involved questions to find out truly how where the campus falls. You must determine-- do they get an A+ grade or a solid F grade?

    Questions to ask:
    • Does your campus have a Safe Zone program or Safe Space program (e.g. an ongoing network of visible people on campus who identify openly as allies for LGBTQ+ people and concerns)?
    • Does your campus have a professional staff person who is employed to increase campus awareness of LGBTQ+ concerns/issues as part of his/her job description?
    • Does your campus have an LGBTQ+ student resource center (e.g. an institutionally funded space specifically for LGBTQ+ education and support services)? If No, does your campus have another office or resource center that deals actively with LGBTQ+ issues and concerns (e.g. Women’s Center, Multicultural Center)?
    • Does your senior administration actively demonstrate inclusive use of the words — lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning– when discussing community, multicultural, and, or diversity issues on campus?
  3. LGBTQ+ Student Life
    Are the next four to five years of your life going to be fabulous or a slow, tedious bore? Well, answers to questions on LGBTQ+ student life and what the campus offers is essential to creating an inclusive environment.

    Questions to ask:
    • Does your campus sponsor regular, ongoing campus-wide activities and events to increase awareness of LGBTQ+ issues/concerns on campus?
    • Does your campus have regular, ongoing social events specifically for LGBTQ+ students?
    • Does your campus have a college/university-recognized LGBTQ+ campus student organization for all LGBTQ+ students and allies?
    • Does your campus have any student organizations that primarily serve the social and, or recreational needs of LGBTQ+ students (e.g. Gay social fraternity, Lesbian Volleyball Recreational Club, Gay Co-ed Lacrosse Club, etc)?
    • Does your campus have any student organizations that primarily serve the needs of under-represented and/or multicultural LGBTQ+ populations (e.g. LGBTQ+ Latinos/Latinas, International LGBTQ+ students, LGBTQ+ Students with Disabilities, etc)?
    • Does your campus have any student organizations that primarily serve the religious/spiritual needs of LGBTQ+ students (e.g. Unity Fellowship for Students, Gays for Christ, LGBTQ+ Muslims, etc)?
  4. LGBTQ+ Academic Life
    Let’s focus on the main reason for attending college or university. LGBTQ+ inclusion even extends to the classroom. A campus that truly supports LGBTQ+ issues will hopefully give honest answers to these challenging questions of the queer academia.

    Questions to ask:
    • Does your campus have out LGBTQ+ faculty members?
    • Does your campus have an LGBTQ+-specific studies academic degree program? If No, does your campus have LGBTQ+-specific courses offered through various academic programs?
    • Does your campus integrate LGBTQ+ issues into existing courses when appropriate?
    • Does your campus include LGBTQ+ issues new faculty/staff orientation programs and ongoing training opportunities?
    • Does your campus have an extensive collection of LGBTQ+-related holdings in the campus library?
  5. LGBTQ+ Housing
    Many times, financially it is advantageous to live on campus. Often times. It is even required of new students on campus. As an LGBTQ+ student, you must know the facts, your housing options and the ability to be who you are.

    Questions to ask:
    • Does your campus provide LGBTQ+-theme housing options or LGBTQ+-specific living-learning communities in campus housing?
    • Does your campus allow students with same-sex partners to reside together in campus housing?
    • Does your campus provide housing options that are sensitive to the needs of transgender students? (eg; gender-neutral bathrooms)
    • Does your campus provide training sessions for housing employees on LGBTQ+ issues and concerns?
  6. LGBTQ+ Campus Safety
    is seldom considered an issue until something happens, and, by then, it may be too late. You should consider up-front the level of safety for LGBTQ+ students and whether the campus has clear procedures and services to address LGBTQ+ safety concerns.

    Questions to ask:
    • Does your campus public safety officers do LGBTQ+ outreach efforts and meet with LGBTQ+ student leaders/organization?
    • Does your campus have a clear procedure for reporting LGBTQ+-related bias incidents and hate crimes?
    • Does your campus have a bias incident and hate crime reporting system for LGBTQ+ concerns?
    • Does your campus provide training sessions for public safety officers on LGBTQ+ issues and concerns and anti-LGBTQ+ violence?
  7. LGBTQ+ Counseling & Health
    Be wise. Don’t put yourself into a campus community that does not have the necessary services to support your health emotionally, physically, and mentally. You must have the options for help when dilemmas arise that you may uniquely face as an LGBTQ+ student. These are questions often overlooked or never confronted head-on.

    Questions to ask:
    • Does your campus have support groups for LGBTQ+ individuals in the process of coming out and for other LGBTQ+ issues/concerns?
    • Does your campus have individual student counseling that is sensitive to LGBTQ+ issues/concerns?
    • Does your campus provide training for campus healthcare professionals to increase their sensitivity to the special health needs of LGBTQ+ individuals?
    • Does your campus actively distribute condoms and LGBTQ+-inclusive safer sex information on HIV/STD area services and resources?
  8. LGBTQ+ Recruitment & Retention Efforts
    LGBTQ+ students are becoming an increasing population for colleges and universities to seek in increasing enrollment numbers. Some institutions attend LGBTQ+-themed college admission fairs and have specific LGBTQ+ programs to increase retention.

    Questions to ask:
    • Does your campus participate in an LGBTQ+ Admission Fair designed for outreach to incoming LGBTQ+ high school students - such as the Campus Pride National College Fair Program? Learn more at
    • Does your campus have any scholarships specifically targeting LGBTQ+ students and heterosexual students who are supportive of LGBTQ+ equality?
    • Does your campus include LGBTQ+ issues in new student orientation programs?
    • Does your campus have a Lavender or Rainbow Graduation (e.g. a special commemoration for LGBTQ+ students and allies) upon completion of degree(s)?
    • Does your campus have an LGBTQ+ Mentoring program to welcome and assist LGBTQ+ students in transitioning to academic life and other involvement on campus?
