
Manufacturing FAQ

If you pursue a career in Manufacturing, you’ll work with technology, materials, or components to make, maintain, or repair products. You may automatically think of cars and heavy-duty machinery, but you can work with products such as food, textiles, and appliances.


Is Manufacturing a good career path?

The Manufacturing cluster has about 12.3 million jobs and is projected to grow by 2.2% over the next 10 years. Annual compensation for Manufacturing jobs ranged from $28,000 to $72,000 in 2021.

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Would a career in Manufacturing be a good fit for me?

Manufacturing careers could be a good fit for you if you enjoy working with your hands, fixing cars or furniture, or improving technology. Here are some things to know about Manufacturing careers:  

  • Be aware that Manufacturing occupations require you to use your hands and body on site, although some jobs may be done at home or at a desk.
  • If your strong points include troubleshooting, repairing, and design,  you may want to consider Manufacturing.
  • Note that the Manufacturing cluster recognizes many workforce certifications or credentials, and you’re well suited for Manufacturing occupations if you’re a student in a CTE pathway.
  • If you have interest, training, or experience in STEM or Agriculture clusters, you may also be well suited for Manufacturing careers.

  Not sure if this sounds like you? Get a list of careers that match your interests with our Career Quiz.

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What are some examples of careers in Manufacturing?

Here are some examples of careers in Manufacturing based on the general level of education needed to get hired in this career. Looking for more? Explore careers here!

High School Education Some Postsecondary or Skills-Based Education 
Butcher Technician (e.g., aerospace, chemical, electrical, industrial, mechanical, nanotechnical)
Mechanic (e.g., automotive, equipment) Repairer (e.g., computer, electrical, telecommunications)
Security installer

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