
Major: English

What colleges offer a Major in English?

If you’re constantly searching for a good book to get lost in, then majoring in English is a good match to satiate and sharpen your literary appetite. Majoring in this field, however, is more than reading a riveting novel or poignant poem. English majors are challenged to think critically about what they read and how it ties into the world. 

You’ll develop valuable skills to help you read analytically and write clearly. Through historical and modern written works, you’ll find unique perspectives to expand your understanding of others. In the digital world, news is being shared at a fast pace. A keen eye and critical thinking will be instrumental in helping you sift analytically through voluminous online information.

Whether you’re reading poems, short stories, novels, historical books, or news articles, you’ll be able to communicate ideas effectively.

What does an English major study? 

  • Reading and Interpretation
  • Introduction to Writing
  • Western Literature
  • British Literature
  • Social Justice

What can I do with an English degree?

English majors have creative and critical thinking skills that allow them to read and write effectively. Communicating ideas clearly is a desirable skill that can be applied in various fields: journalism, education, public relations, and entertainment, to name a few. Here are examples of job opportunities:

Specializations for an English major:

  • Creative Writing
  • Early Modern Studies
  • American Culture
  • Media and Digital Studies

What are the requirements for an English degree? 

Take a close look at your academic institution’s requirement for an English degree. In addition to exploring opportunities to study abroad and do internships, meet with your department advisor to learn about senior projects you need to graduate.
