
Major: Marketing

A business starts as an idea: a product or service provided to meet a need. Consumers and clients benefit from business ideas. But how do companies get their products and services in front of their audience?


Raising the visibility of an organization’s brand, products, and services is what marketers do. 

When you recognize the logo of a company — that’s marketing. 

The commercial ad online with the catchy jingle you can’t seem to forget─marketing, again.

As a marketing major, you’ll learn how to help organizations build their brand in ways that raise their profitability. Your courses will teach you how to study a business, understand its products and services, and develop online and offline approaches for promotion. Marketing uses innovative technologies, creativity, and business strategies to help organizations grow and evolve.

What does a Marketing major study? 

  • Business Strategy 
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Financial Accounting 
  • Marketing Management 
  • Marketing Research 
  • Macroeconomics 
  • Marketing Principles
  • Microeconomics

What can I do with a Marketing degree?

To market products and services for a business, you’ll develop many skills that will help you assess the competition and what consumers want through surveys and panel interviews. The careers you can pursue are endless in this field. Here are some examples:

Specializations for a Marketing major:

  • Brand Management Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Visual Marketing

What are the requirements for a Marketing degree? 

Each college or university has different requirements for their programs. Meet with your advisor for guidance on which courses will provide the best experience for your area of interest. Internships and special projects will strengthen your skills in marketing tactics, such as executing marketing campaigns and market research.


What colleges offer a Major in Marketing?