Major: Information Science

What colleges offer a Major in Information Science?

In 1964, the Georgia Institute of Technology started the first information science program. Many academic institutions soon followed suit. 
As an information science major, you’ll learn how to create, collect, store, organize, and manipulate data for various uses—for individual and societal and business purposes. Using computers, software, and technology, information scientists explore ways to help people and businesses achieve goals. 

Earning this degree will entail taking substantial math and computer science courses. You’ll also learn plenty about the way technology impacts people and businesses. Being able to track and analyze customer spending is made possible through information science. Getting streaming suggestions based on the shows you watch is another way information scientists apply their knowledge. 
Information science plays an integral role in every aspect of society. As a major in this field, you’ll embark on an exciting career to improve people’s lives and help businesses run efficiently.

What does an Information Science major study? 

  • Statistics
  • Calculus
  • Introduction to Information Science
  • Database Design
  • Data and Algorithms
  • Introduction to Computation
  • Programming

What can I do with an Information Science degree?

Any industry you can think of relies on information science professionals. The most obvious sector to investigate is technology. However, you’ll be in demand in other industries, such as finance, advertising, law, and medicine. Here’s a sampling of jobs you can consider:

Specializations for an Information Science major:

  • Data Science 
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy 
  • Digital Curation Specialization

What are the requirements for an Information Science degree? 

Meet with your academic advisor for guidance on course selections. Review your credits each semester to ensure you’re meeting your degree requirements. Completing an internship and capstone project may be needed for graduation. Refer to your college or university handbook for additional information. 
