
Reset Anytime: Focus and Study Tips

Why wait for the beginning of a new year? Any time is the perfect time to start building new habits for success. Here’s how to boost your focus, reduce your stress, and jump-start your motivation anytime you need a reset. 

Practice Mindfulness to Stay Calm and Focused

  1. Clear your mind: Try meditation, a technique for focusing your mind and body to reduce stress. Start by taking just 5 minutes a day to sit in a quiet place, pay attention to your breath, notice without judgment any thoughts and emotions that come up, and gently return focus to your breath when your mind wanders. 
  2. Make a vision board: A vision board is a collection of images you choose that represent your dreams and goals. With visual reminders to inspire you, it’s easier to see yourself living your best life.
  3. Take a break from screens: Scrolling during study breaks? Try a quick “screen detox.” Turn off notifications on your device or put it out of easy reach. Then do a stretch or go for a quick walk instead. Taking a true break from screens can help reset your focus and reduce stress. 
  4. Check in with yourself: Set aside a check-in time each week to ask yourself what worked well and what might work better. Reflection can help you appreciate your progress and keep you motivated.

Effective Study Tips to Help You Reach Your Goals

  • Organize your study space: Create a space that’s uniquely yours. Start by clearing out clutter, then personalize your space to inspire you—post a quote, set up relaxing lights, maybe add a potted plant. When your study area reflects your personality, it becomes a place you’ll enjoy spending time in.
  • Set small, achievable goals: Instead of general goals (“I will study more”), aim for specific goals (“I will study for 30 minutes without distractions”).
  • Teach what you’ve learned: One of the best ways to remember something you learn is to teach it to someone else. Create a slide presentation on the topic you’re studying. Add compelling visuals, fun facts, or challenging questions. Then present your lesson to an audience, even if it’s just the mirror! Hearing yourself explain something is a great way to confirm what you already know and find out what you could explore further.
  • Try the Pomodoro Technique: The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method in which you do focused work during 25-minute intervals — known as pomodoros — and take a five-minute break. Follow these well-known steps for splitting hard-to-digest tasks into bite-size pieces:
    1. Decide on a task to tackle, like studying for a test or finishing homework.
    2. Set a timer for 25 minutes.
    3. Focus on your task without distractions. 
    4. When your timer goes off, take a 5-minute “brain break.”
    5. Do steps 2–4 a total of 4 times.
    6. Take a longer break (15–30 minutes).


Resources to support your well-being as you plan for life after high school.

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