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Pikes Peak State College

Colorado Springs, CO


  • Type
    4-year • Public
  • Campus Life
    Large • Suburban
  • Average Per Year After Aid
  • SAT Range
    Not available
  • Graduation Rate
    Not available

Pikes Peak State College is a large, 4-year, public school. This coed college is located in a suburban setting and is primarily a commuter campus. It offers certificate, associate, and bachelor's degrees. This college has an acceptance rate of 100%.

From the Institution

With more than 17,000 students, PPSC is the largest and most diverse college in the Pikes Peak region. We have three main campuses: Centennial on the south side of town; Rampart Range on the north side; and the Downtown Studio Campus in the heart of the city core. We have smaller learning centers at Fort Carson Army Post and Peterson Air Force Base. Our average class size is 16. We offer transferrable credits to UCCS, CSU, Regis and many other four-year colleges and universities throughout the nation. 26% of our students are connected to the military. PPSC contributes $390.3 million to the local economy. PP...

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