There's a mythic quality to Alaska-most people picture the enormous size, the vast wilderness, and the extreme climate. However, in Southeast Alaska, the communities are close-knit, it has a fairly moderate maritime climate, and the sun still comes up, even on winter solstice! The University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) is part of the UA state system, yet in intimacy and character is more like a small liberal arts college. Programs are deeply influenced by our proximity to the forest, mountains, glaciers, and ocean. Marine biology, environmental science/studies, outdoor studies, and Northwest Coast arts, languages, and studies often appeal to adventurous students. Hands-on learning and undergraduate research opportunities form the basis for a new career or continuing on to graduate school. For students interested in multiple disciplines, the Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences and the Bachelor of Liberal Arts are our most flexible degree options. UAS offers WUE tuition rates (lower tuition offered to select states), many grants and scholarships, and "Come Home to Alaska", a unique in-state tuition program. All first-year students at UAS are housed in a modern residence hall with close access to classrooms, the library, dining, activities, and services. The Native and Rural Student Center provides a gathering place for students to connect. It welcomes all students and hosts many clubs, including the Wooch.éen (working together) leadership organization. UAS is a Safe Zone campus for LGBTQ+ students and their allies. Counseling, disability services, and health services are available to all students. The Learning Center and Writing Center provide study assistance and peer-to-peer connections to help students succeed. The University of Alaska Southeast's commitment to higher education for Indigenous students includes events like Community Feast, a campus-wide celebration including subsistence foods and Oratory Showcase, highlighting the languages of Southeast Alaska. UAS is the recipient of multiple grants supporting Alaska Natives and American Indians in teaching, the arts, and STEM fields. UAS holds many public events that center around issues related to identity, historical trauma, celebration, and expression; a selection is available on the UAS YouTube Channel.