
Major: Nursing (RN)

During an at-home health visit, a 70-year-old man’s medications are reviewed for possible adverse drug-drug interactions by a healthcare provider (HCP). The provider informs the patient’s adult child that a rug in the home’s hallway is a fall risk. After further evaluation of the home, the HCP recommends a transfer bench, nonskid shower mat, and safety grab bar as safety precautions in the bathroom.

The HCP in this scenario is a nurse. The scope of nursing is multifaceted. The path you choose in nursing may lead you into the hospital setting or beyond it. Some patients require a home evaluation after being discharged from the hospital. Discharge planners who are nurses, as well as other HCPs, perform this type of care. 

Nurses are an essential part of healthcare teams because they juggle many aspects of the patient’s medical care. These include administering medications, monitoring vital signs, and maintaining up-to-date medical records. 

What does a student majoring in Nursing study? 

You’ll learn the ins and outs of how the human body works, what causes people’s health to go awry, and which medical treatments and interventions help. Medical terms and abbreviations are unique and must be learned: NPO means nothing by mouth; qid means four times a day. Understanding medical terminology means you’ll need to learn the Latin and Greek derivations of terms used in clinical settings. Cyanosis is bluish discoloration: cyan (Greek root for blue) and osis (suffix meaning condition).

These are some courses included in Nursing programs: 

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Ethics
  • Nutrition and Health
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Statistics
  • Pharmacology

What can I do with a Nursing degree?

Advancing your career as a nurse may require pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing. Other training may require specialized certifications. For example, nurses who choose to work in critical care must be certified by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AANC). As a nurse, you can choose to work with patients throughout your career or pursue a non-patient-facing career path. Here are some career options:

Specializations for a Nursing Major: 

  • Chief Nursing Officer
  • Dialysis Nurse
  • Legal Nurse Consultant
  • Forensic Nurse
  • Nursing Informatics
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Nurse Educator
  • Travel Nurse

What are the requirements for a Nursing degree? 

Prerequisite and specialized courses are required to obtain a nursing degree. Each accredited institution will ensure that nursing students receive adequate hands-on clinical care training. These courses and clinical experience will prepare you to care for medical patients and navigate any concerns of their family members. You’ll be required to pass the national licensing examination (NCLEX-RN) to become a registered nurse in the state where you plan to practice.



What colleges offer a Major in Nursing?