
Choosing the Right College Major for You

Explore Careers

Students often struggle with how to choose a major because they're just beginning to discover who they are. It's OK not to have an exact plan for college and a future career. You can start by choosing a major based on your current interests. Then, using your college experience to learn more about yourself, you can change it if you feel the need.

The major you choose will have an impact on the jobs you'll qualify for after graduation, so it's important to use your college experience to determine your long-term career interests. That way, you can pick a major that will help land you a job you love. Here are some key factors to consider so that you can choose the right major for you.

How to Choose a College Major

All students going to college will have to ask themselves, "What major should I choose?" Finding the answer to that question is a challenge. It boils down to identifying your passion. Studies show that students who enjoy what they’re learning perform better in their program of choice. If you choose a major because you’re influenced by others, you may not be as excited and motivated. Consider the advice of friends and family, but never forget that the final decision is yours.

Choosing Your Own Major

Choosing your own major motivates you to invest time and money into what you want to do with your life. Consider how much money an individual with that major typically makes, the current job outlook, and if you can see yourself being in that field for a long time. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics can help determine your projected salary and job outlook.

You Don’t Have to Select a Major Right Away

The good news is that there's no pressure to choose a major quickly. Most colleges don't require students to declare a major until the end of sophomore year. If you already have a specific academic track in mind, you can select a concentration as a first-year student or even before taking your first class. This gives you a chance to try major-specific classes earlier and change direction if necessary. You may also be able to take electives in the field you’re considering before declaring a major.

The Impact of Major Choice on College Acceptance

The major you choose can affect your chance of admission if the college only accepts a certain number of applicants into the program. You should research the programs available at each college to better understand their requirements and any restrictions they have on a particular major. If you choose a program that allows only a limited number of applicants, applying for early admission and considering multiple colleges may be helpful.

You can also ask the admissions rep at the college you would like to attend about any major programs the college is trying to grow. If you’re interested in any of these programs, selecting one could increase your chances of acceptance.

What Your Major Says About You

When you select a major, you're choosing a specialized field of study that will hopefully translate into a fulfilling career. Is it a major you think will benefit you when applying to jobs? Is it in a subject that would help you get to the place you want to go in life? Your major doesn't define everything about you, but it does help define a significant part of your life: your career.

Understand the Time Investment for School

As you advance through your college coursework, you'll experience new challenges that affect your time management. Challenges that could impact your daily schedule include newfound independence, final exams, and extracurricular activities. That's why it's important to understand the required time investment for your chosen major.

Study Obligations

Most undergraduate degrees take a minimum of four years to complete as a full-time student. However, if you plan to become a doctor or lawyer, you'll need to continue your education past an undergraduate degree. Becoming a doctor typically takes an additional four years of medical school and three or more years of residency. Becoming a lawyer will take about three years of law school past your undergraduate study. Before choosing a career, research which degrees you're required to obtain and how long they'll take you to complete.

All undergraduate majors require considerable effort on your part if you want to succeed. Handing in school work on time and studying is a big part of the effort. However, some majors require longer time commitments or have other requirements that must be met. Find out about everything you can about a major when making your choice so you know exactly what’s expected of you.

Improving Your Chances of Happiness After Graduation

Finding happiness after graduation depends on what your values are. If you choose a major that aligns well with your life values, you could improve your chances of enjoying life after college. If the major you choose leads you to a career that excites you, then there’s a good chance you’re on the track to happiness. There are other factors that affect happiness, but career choice is an important component of your life.

College is a time to develop skills for a successful, rewarding career. Reflect on what you are passionate about. Explore new interests as you venture through college life. You can always change your mind if you discover a new passion. And if you're wondering why you should go to college at all, try spending more time researching what majors are available that relate to your current interests.


How do I choose the right major?

Finding the right major can be a daunting task, but with some reflection and research, you can make an informed decision. Start by thinking about your interests and strengths because these can point you toward a major you'll enjoy. Research different majors and their requirements to see which ones align with your goals and aspirations. Don't be afraid to seek advice from academic advisers and professionals. They can provide valuable insights and guidance.

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What does it mean to choose a major?

When you choose a major, you're picking an area of knowledge and expertise that'll shape your educational journey and potentially impact your future career. You’ll dive deep into a subject. You’ll complete coursework and gain the skills and knowledge needed to excel in that field.

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Why should I choose a major?

Choosing a major is a crucial decision that can have a positive impact on your college experience and future career. It provides focus and specialization, allowing you to delve deep into a subject of interest, gain expertise, and prepare for your desired profession. Picking a major clarifies your long-term goals, connects you with valuable networks, and promotes personal growth and development. You’ll be required to select a major during your sophomore year if you haven’t already declared one by then.

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How do I choose a major if I’m undecided?

If you're undecided about choosing a major, you're not alone. You may want to explore different fields through introductory courses and electives. Besides that, take advantage of resources and career exploration programs offered by your college. If you’re still undecided, you can gain practical experience through internships or job shadowing.

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What support services does a college provide to help students choose a major?

Colleges typically provide various support services to assist students in choosing a major. These services include career counseling, academic advising, and resources to help students explore different fields of study. Career counseling and academic advising services offer guidance in assessing interests, skills, and values. In addition, these services provide information on potential career paths related to different majors.

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