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Middle Tennessee State University

Murfreesboro, TN


  • Type
    4-year • Public
  • Campus Life
    Very Large • Urban
  • Average Per Year After Aid
  • SAT Range
  • Graduation Rate

Middle Tennessee State University is a very large, 4-year, public school. This coed college is located in a city in an urban setting and is primarily a commuter campus. It offers certificate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. This college has an acceptance rate of 68% and a graduation rate of 55%.

From the Institution

Find what you want to study on our 500-acre campus in Murfreesboro - the No. 1 college town in Tennessee, just 30 miles from Nashville. Our faculty, students, and programs are among the truly best in the nation, from recording industry to aerospace, concrete industry to entrepreneurship, music to public history, forensic science to social work. Get real-world experience that other colleges often offer only to graduate students. Your classroom may be behind a camera at Bonnaroo, combing an archaeological dig, performing on an international stage, helping patients on an underwater treadmill, or programming a ...

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Note: College profiles are based primarily on information supplied by the colleges themselves through participation in College Board's BigFuture College Profiles higher education data collection portal, with some data provided via federal and state agencies. Costs, dates, policies, and programs are subject to change, so please confirm important facts with college admission personnel.