
Complete List of Colleges That Require SAT or ACT Scores for Admissions

Many colleges—including privates, publics, and state higher ed systems—reinstated their test score requirements this year, showing colleges continue to value the SAT as part of their admissions processes after experimenting with test-optional policies during the pandemic. As you get ready for the college application process, it's important to know which schools require test scores for all applicants. Many other colleges are test optional or test preferred, meaning they may use SAT or ACT scores to make admissions decisions and award scholarships.

Here are 19 private and 35 public colleges that currently or soon will require, SAT or ACT scores for admission.

Important Notes: 

  • Colleges marked with an asterisk (*) will not require test scores for 2024-25 applicants. This change will begin for the 2025-26 application cycle. 
  • This list changes frequently, so please visit the admissions website of the colleges you’re considering to verify their test score policies.

Public Colleges That Require the SAT or ACT

This list is sorted by state and application volume.

Public CollegesLocation
University of West AlabamaLivingston, AL
Auburn University at MontgomeryMontgomery, AL
United States Air Force AcademyUSAF Academy, CO
Florida Atlantic UniversityBoca Raton, FL
Florida Gulf Coast UniversityFort Myers, FL
University of FloridaGainesville, FL
University of North FloridaJacksonville, FL
Florida Polytechnic UniversityLakeland, FL
Florida International UniversityMiami, FL
University of Central FloridaOrlando, FL
University of West FloridaPensacola, FL
New College of Florida Sarasota, FL 
Florida State UniversityTallahassee, FL
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU)Tallahassee, FL
University of South FloridaTampa, FL
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)Atlanta, GA
University of GeorgiaAthens, GA
Georgia State University* (For Fall 2026) Atlanta, GA
Kennesaw State University* (For Fall 2026)Kennesaw, GA
Georgia Southern University* (For Fall 2026)Statesboro, GA
Augusta University* (For Fall 2026)Augusta, GA
Georgia College and State UniversityMilledgeville, GA
Purdue UniversityWest Lafayette, IN
Louisiana Tech UniversityRuston, LA
United States Naval AcademyAnnapolis, MD
Alcorn State UniversityLorman, MS
Delta State University Cleveland, MS 
United States Military AcademyWest Point, NY
University of Tennessee KnoxvilleKnoxville, TN
University of MemphisMemphis, TN
Tennessee State UniversityNashville, TN
Middle Tennessee State UniversityMurfreesboro, TN
University of Tennessee: ChattanoogaChattanooga, TN
University of Texas at AustinAustin, TX
Fairmont State UniversityFairmont, WV

Private Colleges That Require the SAT or ACT

This list is sorted by application volume.

Private CollegesLocation
Cornell University* (For Fall 2026)Ithaca, NY
University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA
Harvard CollegeCambridge, MA
Stanford University* (For Fall 2026)Stanford, CA
Brown University Providence, RI
University of MiamiCoral Gables, FL
Johns Hopkins University* (For Fall 2026)Baltimore, MD
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)Cambridge, MA
Dartmouth CollegeHanover, NH
Georgetown UniversityWashington, DC
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)Pasadena, CA
Florida Institute of TechnologyMelbourne, FL
Saint Augustine's UniversityRaleigh, NC
Harding UniversitySearcy, AR
College of the OzarksPoint Lookout, MO
William Carey UniversityHattiesburg, MS
Southwestern Assemblies of God UniversityWaxahachie, TX
University of Tennessee SouthernPulaski, TN
Gallaudet UniversityWashington, DC
Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological SeminaryAnkeny, IA
Thomas Aquinas CollegeSanta Paula, CA

Having SAT scores will ensure you can apply to any of the colleges listed above and may help you stand out on applications to test-optional colleges as well. Register to take the SAT today.